Virtual Machine for Education

Remote desktops for your needs

+ more
Another level of teamwork
Shared space for students - create projects, add files to the shared space, and collaborate in an easy, user-friendly way.
Unique ease of use, focus on project without time tracking and interruptions
Quality of working process
Available on any device - simply log in with your login and password and continue to work on your tasks from a public PC, smartphone, or tablet.
Available for MacOS, Windows, IOS and Android
No limits for everyone
Technology is now easy! You do not need any special knowledge to use our platform, we have done all the work in a shadow.
About Us
Our platform DesktopRent was originally designed for businesses and consulting firms. After two years, we started providing our VDI (Virtual Desktop Infrastracture) to educational centers in Japan, Korea and Singapore.

In one year, we connected more than 500 students from different groups and fields of study. With a deep understanding of users' needs, our platform is a key to remote collaboration.

As an official partner of Microsoft, we provide a high quality and unique VDI experience that is not available in the open market.
Why do colleges and universities works with us?
  • Quality
    High standards of quality for each user, interface that everyone knows and understand.
  • Support
    We provide quality IT support 24 hours a day for approved students.
  • Experience
    We provide VDI for more than 2000 users in 157 countries for 4 years.
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+371 2639 42 73

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VM Service LLC
Reg ID: 204171-3301-OOO
Desktop.Rent virtual desktops operate 24/7
Customer support is available
Copyright ©2018-2024, Desktop.Rent. All rights reserved
office 814, K.Akiev street, 95, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, 720010